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Glancing at Arcadia

Photographs taken in country parks and gardens (2021-2023).

A zine or photobook. Glancing at Arcadia, a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature.
Zine spread of a tidy estate lawn and garden.
A zine spread of jeans hanging from a tree and a statue of Byron.
Zine full spread with a peacock on a garden estate wall.
A zine spread of a hedge and barrier.
A zine spread of a keep off sign and ladders hidden under a tree.
A zine full spread of cattle grid and ferns growing beneath.
A zine spread of a subversive cctv sign and hole in a hedge.
A zine spread of garden ornaments.
A zine full spread of an estate courtyard, marble bench and statue with hedges.
A zine spread of white arcadian pillars and a white silver birch tree.
A zine full spread of a deer or stag in a country park.

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